Child Abuse Prevention Month

by No Longer Silenced Movement

Many of you know, simply because you follow organizations working to end child abuse, and because you’re advocates yourself, that April is Child Abuse Awareness Month. April kind of snuck up on me, so I’m a little behind advocating as much as I should for this incredible month. What dawned on me while watching T.V. is that while social media and television advocates many important organizations, I have yet to see one advertisement bringing people together to end abuse. On social media I do, more often than not, but that’s because like you, the organizations I follow are designated toward ending abuse.

While working together to make a difference is important, imagine all of the voices we could reach is the cause was trending for this month? Coming together we can find solutions for simple acts that will be easy to repeat. Wearing blue is so simple, yet only current advocates do it, and why is that? Because the World outside of advocates and philanthropists for child abuse awareness don’t have the knowledge of fun ideas or easy actions they can take to promote awareness.

This month is nationally claimed as child abuse awareness month so lets use the better half of this month to educate anyone willing to try to do their part in ending abuse. Encourage them to wear blue, make a simple blue ribbon pin, blog or post on instagram, twitter, or facebook using the hashtag #ChildAbusePreventionMonth and #WearBlueForChildAbuse . With these simple methods, we can realize the true beauty of social media, and all of the positive outlets it has to offer to bring the world together for a cause.

Create a social media event of your own, and include us. Be creative and do what you can to prevent abuse. For more information and tips please visit
